In contrast to a single computed value ( a point estimate) for the statistic, a confidence interval is a range of estimates. 置信区间并不是统计数据的单一计算值(估值点[pointestimate]),而是一个估值范围。
A point estimate is a one-number estimate of the value of a population parameter. 一个点数评定是人口参数的价值的一个单一数概算书。
The advanced point estimate method is presented to evaluate the random properties of the torsion of thin-walled beam. 提出了改进点估计法来计算薄壁梁结构扭转的概率特性。
According to the principle of point estimate, the feasibility of using determined specimen to draw up the quota of hydropower project is explained, meanwhile, the relationship between determined specimen capacity and quota precision is discussed, and explained by a living example. 利用点估计原理,阐述了用定额测定样本来编制工程定额的可行性,同时探讨了定额测定样本容量与定额精度的关系,并通过实例说明。
Sample size calculated by the formula will ensure that the investigator understand how the point estimate of VE matches the true value of VE in the population and arrive at the practical meaning of research results. 由公式计算的样本含量能使研究者掌握由样本所获得的VE点估计值接近总体真实值的程度,从而能较为准确地判断研究结果的实际意义。
The former since include maximum likelihood estimate of the model parameter to still include maximum likelihood point estimate of the model parameter and confidence intervals estimate of the profile log-likelihood etc. 前者既包括模型参数的极大似然估计还包括分位数的极大似然点估计及轮廓对数似然法的区间估计等。
Finally, the paper simulated to the rotor initial point estimate method using DSP related tool and confirmed the accuracy of high frequency voltage signal method. 最后,利用DSP相关软件,对转子初始位置估算方法进行模拟仿真,验证了高频电压信号注入法理论的正确性。
The main conclusion is as follows: 1.Instead of point estimate interval estimate may improve the effect of VaR. 主要结论如下:1在计算VaR时用区间估计代替点估计更有意义。
The Point Estimate of an Improved Secant Method 一种改进的弦截法的点估计
This paper gives a novel model for software reliability based on the modification of the famous JM model. The point estimate and confidence limit are studied. 本文通过修改JM模型给出了一种新的软件可靠性模型,并对软件可靠度给出了点估计和置信限。
Further, deeming the blind area radius index R m to be a stochastic variable, and the minimum radius of each point of fall of the missile bullets to be the sample value; three types of point estimate of R m are obtained through some intuitionistic method. 此外,将盲区半径指标Rm看成是一个随机变量,每次弹着点的最小半径作为样本值,通过直观的方法得到Rm的3种点估计。
The paper attempts to research our new pattern industrialization road from the point of estimate of region industrial structure upgrading. 试图从区域产业结构升级的测度角度对中国走新型工业化道路进行研究。
Expectation estimate theory demonstrates that point estimate is a boundary estimate of the domain of expection estimate. 期望估计理论论证了数理统计学中的点估计仅仅是期望估计域的一项边缘估计。
From different stages of construction project by influencing the project investment in degrees, the thesis describes that the key point of estimate control is the right investment decision and reasonable design. 本文从项目建设的各阶段对项目投资影响程度入手,明确了工程造价控制的关键在于正确的投资决策和合理的设计。
In this paper we give some inequalities of singular values of product of two quater-nion matrices. Based on this point we estimate each eigenvalue of product of self-conjugate quaternions matrices A and B for A ≥ 0, B ≥ 0orB> 0. 本文给出了两个四元数矩阵乘积的奇异值的一些不等式,在此基础上估计了两个自共轭矩阵A、B的乘积的每个特征值,其中A≥0、B≥0或B>0。
Bootstrap and likelihood-based methods are used to estimate the parameters ( point estimate and confidence interval), and give the result of E-VaR. Besides, Shenzhen Stock Index is analyzed to predict the tail related extreme risk, we can find the result is satisfying. 利用Bootstrap和MLE方法对参数进行点估计和区间估计,得出E-VaR的估计值,并对深证综指收益进行实证分析,探讨与尾部相关的极值风险,结果令人满意。
A new data fusion method for regression analysis is presented. It can fuse the regression curves and the measured data of different instruments or dimensions. The point estimate and interval estimates of the measured quantity can be obtained by the method. 提出一种回归分析的数据融合方法,该方法能对各种不同仪器、不同量纲的回归曲线和测量数据进行融合,并给出被测量的点估计和置信区间估计。
At the basis of analyzing different boundary tracking algorithms, boundary point estimate algorithm based on angle and boundary point searching algorithm based on circumferential neighborhood extending were advanced to avoid tracking trap and to improve the robust of the boundary tracking algorithm. 通过分析不同算法的特点,提出了基于已知点夹角的边界点预估计算法和基于圆弧邻域扩展的边界点搜索算法,以避免跟踪进入搜索陷阱,提高边界跟踪对边界变化的鲁棒性。
By accelerated life test and point estimate method the basic failure rate λ RT and λ C are obtained. 采用加速寿命试验和点估计法获得了膜电阻的基本失效率λRT和布线与工艺基本失效率λC;
OR value is a link strength index, is a point estimate study of factors used to assess the strength of the link with the card. OR值是一个联系强度指标,是一个点估计值,用来评估研究因子与证的联系强度。
Currently, the majority of the study on trans-portation investment decisions is based on on a single point estimate of the future state. 当前的交通投资决策研究大多数基于对于未来状态的单点估计。
Most paper chose the square neighborhood of the current point to estimate the coefficient variance. This form of neighborhood selection considers that the wavelet coefficients energy distribution of different direction is isotropic, but it does not match the actual distribution of the wavelet coefficients. 现有的方法中大多是选取当前系数点周围的方形邻域来估计方差,这种邻域的选取方式默认了小波系数在不同方向的能量分布是同性的,与实际小波分解的分布特性是不符合的。
This paper used two approaches to implement the latter method: one is a line detection method based on Hough space analysis, the other is feature point estimate method based on Kalman filtering. 在后一类方法中实现了两个方法:基于Hough空间中的直线检测方法和基于Kalman滤波的特征点预估分析方法。
Then an algorithm of probability optimal power flows was established in chapter 7 based on point estimate method and Cornish-Fisher expansion, it can be used in the power system that wind and PV power were included. 之后本文根据风电场和光伏电站的概率分布模型,提出了包含风电和光伏发电的基于点估计法和Cornish-Fisher级数的电力系统概率最优潮流算法。
At last, the paper analyzed the influence of wind and PV power with different distribution forms increase gradually in installed capacity connect to different node on total transfer capability and static voltage stability of power system based on the point estimate method. 最后本文应用点估计法分析了电力系统逐渐增加接入不同形式和不同分布的光伏发电和风电时对电力系统静态电压稳定临界点的影响。
Due to fluctuations of wind power and accuracy of power prediction, a single point estimate triggers a great risk to dispatching planning and wind farm operation decision making. 由于风能波动性以及预测误差的影响,单一估计值的功率预测给电网调度计划或风电场运行决策引入了较大的风险。
Traditional processes capability evaluation compares the point estimate values and the recommended values of the Processes Capability Indices ( PCI), and the accuracy of estimate depends on the sample size. 传统的工序能力评价采用工序能力指数的点估计值同推荐值进行比较,估计的正确性取决于样本数量的大小。
Then, a point estimate method is proposed to solve this uncertain model. The algorithm constructs a few specific estimate points and the estimate value of objective function is determined by a few deterministic computations. 针对上述模型,本文尝试采用点估计法求解,该方法通过构造风电出力分布估计点,经过少量确定性计算得到目标函数的统计特征值。
This paper lodged and realized a new map matching algorithm based on road net topology without direction parameter, an improved nearest point estimate map matching algorithm and the improved space mean speed algorithm. 对此,本文提出了改进的最近点估计地图匹配算法和车辆空间平均速度的算法,并将其实现,通过比较分析新算法和已有算法的实验结果,肯定了新算法优越的性能。